
The Basics: 

Born in San Antonio Tx at 7:52am on may 17th, 1978.

He lived in the San Antonio neighborhoods Monte Vista, Olmos Park and Alamo Heights with parents Jim and Caroll Ahern and older brother James.   Matt went to Alamo Heights High School, where his favorite class was environmental science, and graduated in 1996.

He started at University of Texas in Austin as an architecture major, but finished higher learning at University of San Francisco with a degree in Media Arts and Communication.  He also studied Spanish at Universidad de Alicante in Spain. In San Francisco he was a DJ at KUSF 90.3 and began making art films and documentaries with social justice themes.

Matt came back to Texas and worked initially for the family business until founding the San Antonio recording studio and artspace “the Farm” and getting involved in the art scene and environmental movement.  He then founded a business and citizen network called “Echotown” that sought to organize and give voice to the tiny but growing sustainability community in San Antonio.  During this time he was producer and engineer of “The Live Set” on KRTU 91.7fm – a radio show of “live” recordings of jazz and jam artists- and began to build organic gardens and native/edible landscapes for homes and businesses – and in 2011 showed a garden that he had built as an art piece after having a spiritual experience while building it.

NOW, Matt is on-line and on-tour worldwide teaching and playing music, in art galleries, yoga studios, living rooms, community centers, and at festivals.  Look at the Calendar to see if he is coming your Way anytime soon.

The Healing: 

Matt was a life-long asthmatic, a 12-year addict, and a blocked artist.  He was sick, a lot, growing up.  Finally, at age 28, he came own witha heart a condition.  The 2nd doctor told him the same thing as the first, “there is nothing you can do…”

As Matt left the doctors office that day he felt something different.  He drove to a metaphysical bookstore that he had been curious about for a while but never gone to.  He picked up a few books that caught his interest and started the journey towards self-empowerment, self-healing, and recovery from the dark night he had been living in… ultimately leading to teaching others and creating art for of all the universe.

In the process of healing himself, he learned the basic precepts of healing and uncovered a gift of intuitive hearing giving Matt the ability to connect people to their truth and healing path directly.  He also utilizes his clairaudience in his music to tune into and receive messages to relay through song.